BD-05 1844 A
10 Planets (size proportional to Sqrt(Radius))
Sun Martian Martian Ice Ice Sub-Jovian Jovian Sub-Jovian Martian Ice Rock See
Stellar charactersistics
Stellar mass 0.80 solar masses
Stellar luminosity 0.15
Age 4.870 billion years
(49.924 billion left on main sequence)
Habitable ecosphere radius 0.382 AU

Planetary Overview
1 Martian Martian 0.385 AU 0.190 EM 0.579 ER
2 Martian Martian 0.732 AU 0.119 EM 0.496 ER
3 Ice Ice 0.987 AU 0.746 EM 0.909 ER
4 Ice Ice 1.431 AU 1.716 EM 1.191 ER
5 Sub-Jovian Sub-Jovian 2.486 AU 13.962 EM 4.189 ER
6 Jovian Jovian 5.183 AU 256.790 EM 10.412 ER
7 Sub-Jovian Sub-Jovian 11.675 AU 17.211 EM 5.065 ER
8 Martian Martian 21.752 AU 0.955 EM 1.312 ER
9 Ice Ice 31.963 AU 0.817 EM 1.247 ER
10 Rock Rock 57.283 AU 0.113 EM 0.652 ER

Planet #1 Statistics
Planet typeMartianMartian
Tidally Locked 1 Face
Low-G, Cold, Icy, Arid, Cloudless, Unbreathably thin atmosphere (Ne - unbreathable), 1-Face
Distance from primary star5.8E+07 KM0.385 AU
Mass1.1E+24Kg0.190 Earth masses
Surface gravity554.3 cm/sec20.57 Earth gees
Surface pressure 45 millibars0.045 Earth atmospheres
Surface temperature-16.2° Celcius
2.9° Fahrenheit
-30.2° C Earth temperature
-54.3° F Earth temperature
Normal temperature range
-216.7° C
-358.1° F
- 109.2° C
228.5° F
-227.2° C
-377.0° F
- 121.0° C
249.9° F
Equatorial radius3692.6 Km0.58 Earth radii
Density5.37 grams/cc0.97 Earth densities
Eccentricity of orbit0.019
Escape Velocity 6.4 Km/sec
Molecular weight retained19.1 and aboveNe, N2, CO, NO, O2, H2S, Ar, CO2...
Neon 100.0%  45 mb (ipp: -17) 
Axial tilt20°
Planetary albedo 0.31
Exospheric Temperature1252.60° K-20.40° C Earth temperature
Length of year97.63 Earth days1.00 Local days
Length of day2343.09 hours
Boiling point of water30.5° Celcius
87.0° Fahrenheit
Hydrosphere percentage 0.0
Cloud cover percentage 0.0
Ice cover percentage29.1

Planet #2 Statistics
Planet typeMartianMartian
Tidally Locked 1 Face
Low-G, Cold, Icy, Arid, Cloudless, Unbreathably thin atmosphere (Ne - unbreathable), 1-Face
Distance from primary star1.1E+08 KM0.732 AU
Mass7.1E+23Kg0.119 Earth masses
Surface gravity473.2 cm/sec20.48 Earth gees
Surface pressure 18 millibars0.018 Earth atmospheres
Surface temperature-103.0° Celcius
-153.5° Fahrenheit
-117.0° C Earth temperature
-210.7° F Earth temperature
Normal temperature range
-248.1° C
-414.7° F
- 14.4° C
57.8° F
Equatorial radius3162.4 Km0.5 Earth radii
Density5.35 grams/cc0.97 Earth densities
Eccentricity of orbit0.059
Escape Velocity 5.5 Km/sec
Molecular weight retained 7.2 and aboveN, O, CH4, NH3, H2O, Ne, N2, CO...
Neon 100.0%  18 mb (ipp: -45) 
Axial tilt18°
Planetary albedo 0.51
Exospheric Temperature346.68° K-926.32° C Earth temperature
Length of year255.85 Earth days1.00 Local days
Length of day6140.48 hours
Boiling point of water14.3° Celcius
57.8° Fahrenheit
Hydrosphere percentage 0.0
Cloud cover percentage 4.4
Ice cover percentage64.3

Planet #3 Statistics
Planet typeIceIce
Cold, Icy, Arid, Cloudless, Normal atmosphere
Distance from primary star1.5E+08 KM0.987 AU
Mass4.5E+24Kg0.746 Earth masses
Surface gravity885.3 cm/sec20.90 Earth gees
Surface pressure 705 millibars0.695 Earth atmospheres
Surface temperature-131.3° Celcius
-204.3° Fahrenheit
-145.3° C Earth temperature
-261.5° F Earth temperature
Normal temperature range
-134.2° C
-209.6° F
- -128.5° C
-199.3° F
-156.0° C
-248.7° F
- -108.6° C
-163.4° F
Equatorial radius5796.9 Km0.91 Earth radii
Density5.46 grams/cc0.99 Earth densities
Eccentricity of orbit0.147
Escape Velocity10.1 Km/sec
Molecular weight retained 1.2 and aboveH2, He, N, O, CH4, NH3, H2O, Ne...
Axial tilt15°
Planetary albedo 0.70
Exospheric Temperature190.66° K-1082.34° C Earth temperature
Length of year400.63 Earth days567.88 Local days
1.10 Earth years
Length of day16.93 hours
Boiling point of water90.4° Celcius
194.8° Fahrenheit
Hydrosphere percentage 0.0
Cloud cover percentage 0.0
Ice cover percentage100.0

Planet #4 Statistics
Planet typeIceIce
High-G, Cold, Icy, Arid, Cloudless, Thick atmosphere
Distance from primary star2.1E+08 KM1.431 AU
Mass1E+25Kg1.716 Earth masses
Surface gravity1185.4 cm/sec21.21 Earth gees
Surface pressure 3730 millibars3.681 Earth atmospheres
Surface temperature-142.7° Celcius
-224.8° Fahrenheit
-156.7° C Earth temperature
-282.0° F Earth temperature
Normal temperature range
-143.7° C
-226.6° F
- -141.7° C
-223.1° F
-154.9° C
-246.8° F
- -131.4° C
-204.5° F
Equatorial radius7598.7 Km1.2 Earth radii
Density5.58 grams/cc1 Earth densities
Eccentricity of orbit0.042
Escape Velocity13.4 Km/sec
Molecular weight retained 0.3 and aboveH, H2, He, N, O, CH4, NH3, H2O...
Axial tilt28°
Planetary albedo 0.70
Exospheric Temperature 90.81° K-1182.19° C Earth temperature
Length of year698.77 Earth days1201.61 Local days
1.91 Earth years
Length of day13.96 hours
Boiling point of water140.0° Celcius
284.0° Fahrenheit
Hydrosphere percentage 0.0
Cloud cover percentage 0.0
Ice cover percentage100.0

Planet #5 Statistics
Planet typeSub-JovianSub-Jovian
Distance from primary star3.7E+08 KM2.486 AU
Mass8.3E+25Kg13.962 Earth masses
7.977 Earth masses dust
5.986 Earth masses gas
Equatorial radius26717.6 Km4.2 Earth radii
Density1.04 grams/cc0.19 Earth densities
Eccentricity of orbit0.080
Escape Velocity20.4 Km/sec
Molecular weight retained 0.1 and aboveH, H2, He, N, O, CH4, NH3, H2O...
Axial tilt34°
Planetary albedo 0.54
Exospheric Temperature 30.07° K-1242.93° C Earth temperature
Length of year1600.80 Earth days2625.30 Local days
4.38 Earth years
Length of day14.63 hours

Planet #6 Statistics
Planet typeJovianJovian
Distance from primary star7.8E+08 KM5.183 AU
Mass1.5E+27Kg256.790 Earth masses
31.220 Earth masses dust
225.570 Earth masses gas
Equatorial radius66409.3 Km10 Earth radii
Density1.25 grams/cc0.23 Earth densities
Eccentricity of orbit0.173
Escape Velocity55.5 Km/sec
Molecular weight retained 0.0 and aboveH, H2, He, N, O, CH4, NH3, H2O...
Axial tilt25°
Planetary albedo 0.45
Exospheric Temperature 6.92° K-1266.08° C Earth temperature
Length of year4815.68 Earth days13626.34 Local days
13.18 Earth years
Length of day8.48 hours

Planet #7 Statistics
Planet typeSub-JovianSub-Jovian
Distance from primary star1.7E+09 KM11.675 AU
Mass1E+26Kg17.211 Earth masses
5.183 Earth masses dust
12.028 Earth masses gas
Equatorial radius32305.1 Km5.1 Earth radii
Density0.73 grams/cc0.13 Earth densities
Eccentricity of orbit0.107
Escape Velocity20.6 Km/sec
Molecular weight retained 0.0 and aboveH, H2, He, N, O, CH4, NH3, H2O...
Axial tilt24°
Planetary albedo 0.52
Exospheric Temperature 1.36° K-1271.64° C Earth temperature
Length of year16289.78 Earth days24530.65 Local days
44.60 Earth years
Length of day15.94 hours

Planet #8 Statistics
Planet typeMartianMartian
Low-G, Cold, Arid, Cloudless, Unbreathably thin atmosphere
Distance from primary star3.3E+09 KM21.752 AU
Mass5.7E+24Kg0.955 Earth masses
Surface gravity544.1 cm/sec20.55 Earth gees
Surface pressure 2 millibars0.002 Earth atmospheres
Surface temperature-237.9° Celcius
-396.3° Fahrenheit
-251.9° C Earth temperature
-453.5° F Earth temperature
Normal temperature range
-241.0° C
-401.9° F
- -234.7° C
-390.5° F
-258.2° C
-432.7° F
- -216.4° C
-357.6° F
Equatorial radius8366.4 Km1.3 Earth radii
Density2.33 grams/cc0.42 Earth densities
Eccentricity of orbit0.190
Escape Velocity 9.5 Km/sec
Molecular weight retained 0.0 and aboveH, H2, He, N, O, CH4, NH3, H2O...
Axial tilt26°
Planetary albedo 0.15
Exospheric Temperature 0.39° K-1272.61° C Earth temperature
Length of year41428.59 Earth days48390.84 Local days
113.42 Earth years
Length of day20.55 hours
Boiling point of water-17.1° Celcius
1.2° Fahrenheit
Hydrosphere percentage 0.0
Cloud cover percentage 0.0
Ice cover percentage 0.1

Planet #9 Statistics
Planet typeIceIce
Low-G, Cold, Icy, Arid, Cloudless, Thin atmosphere
Distance from primary star4.8E+09 KM31.963 AU
0.817 Earth masses
0.742 Earth masses dust
0.074 Earth masses gas
Surface gravity514.7 cm/sec20.52 Earth gees
Surface pressure 211 millibars0.208 Earth atmospheres
Surface temperature-243.1° Celcius
-405.6° Fahrenheit
-257.1° C Earth temperature
-462.8° F Earth temperature
+4.6° C greenhouse effect
Normal temperature range
-244.3° C
-407.8° F
- -241.8° C
-403.3° F
-256.4° C
-429.6° F
- -230.1° C
-382.2° F
Equatorial radius7954.5 Km1.2 Earth radii
Density2.32 grams/cc0.42 Earth densities
Eccentricity of orbit0.119
Escape Velocity 9.0 Km/sec
Molecular weight retained 0.0 and aboveH, H2, He, N, O, CH4, NH3, H2O...
Axial tilt57°
Planetary albedo 0.25
Exospheric Temperature 0.18° K-1272.82° C Earth temperature
Length of year73794.91 Earth days83839.58 Local days
202.04 Earth years
Length of day21.12 hours
Boiling point of water61.4° Celcius
142.6° Fahrenheit
Hydrosphere percentage 0.0
Cloud cover percentage 0.0
Ice cover percentage100.0

Planet #10 Statistics
Planet typeRockRock
Low-G, Cold, Airless
Distance from primary star8.6E+09 KM57.283 AU
Mass6.7E+23Kg0.113 Earth masses
Surface gravity260.3 cm/sec20.27 Earth gees
Surface pressure 0 millibars0.000 Earth atmospheres
Surface temperature-251.7° Celcius
-421.0° Fahrenheit
-265.7° C Earth temperature
-478.2° F Earth temperature
+1.6° C greenhouse effect
Normal temperature range
-254.2° C
-425.5° F
- -248.9° C
-415.9° F
-264.7° C
-444.5° F
- -236.2° C
-393.2° F
Equatorial radius4159.2 Km0.65 Earth radii
Density2.24 grams/cc0.41 Earth densities
Eccentricity of orbit0.093
Escape Velocity 4.7 Km/sec
Molecular weight retained 0.0 and aboveH, H2, He, N, O, CH4, NH3, H2O...
Axial tilt52°
Planetary albedo 0.15
Exospheric Temperature 0.06° K-1272.94° C Earth temperature
Length of year177045.85 Earth days143044.74 Local days
484.72 Earth years
Length of day29.70 hours
Boiling point of water-62.7° Celcius
-80.8° Fahrenheit
Hydrosphere percentage 0.0
Cloud cover percentage 0.0
Ice cover percentage 0.1

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